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This school year, each classroom teacher (Pre-K thru 5th) qualifies for a max reimbursement of $75. All other staff qualify for a max of $50. This form can also be used to apply for "Green Schools" online course reimbursement (this is available via separate funding and does not count against your staff reimbursement maximums). You may also pool funds with your colleagues! Funds are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Thank you for all you do to support our children!


Note: Copies of receipts are required for ALL submissions. Email receipts to (Details will be repeated after form submission.) If you prefer, you may fill out a paper form (available on this site under Forms) and leave it in the school office, ATTN: PTA treasurer. If you have any questions email:

Type of Reimbursement (check ALL that apply):
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